Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Hawaii International®

Tiare Lando - Top Ten

People's Choice Award


Leaving a legacy by living out our purpose is so important to our family! God gave us the ability to not let our circumstances be dream killers but instead be a catalyst for growth, enabling us for each victory and valley ahead! My husband, Lance, who volunteers in the community as a Slam Mentor and Co-Directs the Young Adult & Youth Ministry at our church, has been an encouragement and living testimony to that!

An instant ‘Hawaiian Brady Bunch’ being a blended family enables us to have empathy, connecting with youth and families on many levels. It works because love never fails! Empowering our kids to make a mark on the world around them by serving in the community together is something that we grew into. We’re grateful to key people who mentor and sow into us individually and together! Our family is a ministry of redemption and hope!

Losing my four-year-old brother to Juvenile Diabetes and my baby sister managing JD to her now early twenties showed me how precious life is! Helping others from my quadriplegic best friend in elementary to my grandfather who had Parkinson’s and Heart Disease. Compassion, resilience, and perseverance are values my family and early experiences instilled in me. Establishing quality licensed care homes for veterans, elderly and disabled in Hawaii is a direct reflection of my upbringing.

I’m blessed that my family has seen me through the toughest seasons of my life. Overcoming anxiety and healing from an abusive dating relationship is a credit to consistent support, prayer and individuals who handed me tools available that I could choose to use. I am so glad that I did! My mother whom overcame domestic abuse in her lifetime is my biggest inspiration of strength as a wife and mother.

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