Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Alabama International®

Coming Soon

Melissa Parker - 1st Runner-Up

People's Choice Award

1.Tell us why anyone would want come to your hometown?
I am most grateful for being blessed with time to live, love, learn and grow alongside my beautiful family - my husband Ted and our two children, Brendan, and Carson. Having my entire extended family living in the same town is an added bonus! Big holiday celebrations and fun traditions to enjoy every year is magic; I am so thankful for the loving support of my family, my village.

2.What are the (2) most important things in your closet and why?
I want to help people come together; to show them the beauty in being unified, kind, and respectful of one another. Since starting our non-profit, The Parker Foundation for Autism and Child Development in 2015 alongside my husband Ted, this has been one of the greatest outcomes of our fully funded, inclusive programs. It gives me hope that our work is making a lasting, positive impact for generations to come!

3.What do you love to cook and why?
Never giving up on your hopes and dreams, and finally seeing them come to fruition, in my opinion, is the best feeling in the world! Anytime you set the bar high and push yourself beyond the limits of what you thought once were attainable, overcoming fears long the way…THIS is true victory and a story to be shared as inspiration for others.

4.If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do?
The beauty of FAITH! When anxiety or fear tries to sneak in and rain on my parade – I remember how far I have come and everything I have achieved. Faith grounds me; when I am full of faith, I am confident in myself, my abilities and in God’s timing for my life.

5.Describe the dirtiest job you have ever had to do?
I love the sound of children laughing and playing! The sense of wonder, curiosity and pure joy takes me back to the carefree times of childhood. I think that is why I enjoy our work through The Parker Foundation so much; I want ALL children to know the sparkle of friendship and being included and valued. Having this strong foundation builds self-confidence and a greater understanding of the strength of community.

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